9. The New Car
Our car did not pass inspection this year and it would be very expensive to repair so Dan thought we would get another. After we checked around and found that we could not afford anything newer, then Dan remembered one thing.
- I have an uncle who works with cars, he said. Maybe I can check with him.
- Do it, I said.
I heard him call and he wrote on a pad in the meantime. After that he put on, he told me what cars he had been offered. After we discussed a long time so we got stuck for a Mazda. It was moreover red which is my favorite color.
The next day Dan called to Kjell, as his uncle called, and decided we would buy the car. The snag was just that Kjell lived nearly three hundred km from us, but Kjell offered to drive down the car to us, and then take the bus home. He was a bachelor and had nothing special to do during the weekend.
It was the middle of winter and he had put on winter tires when he showed up in the evening a few days later. Then it was too late for him to return so we invited him to sleep over.
- What a beautiful girlfriend you got, he said as we drank coffee.
- Yes, i´m lucky, said Dan.
- Thank you, I said and smiled sweetly.
He was quite short in stature but robust, almost square, with kind eyes and a constant smile on his face. He and Dan arranged for payment over the internet bank and I heard that Kjell struck down significantly in price.
Then we had a nice evening together and eventually I embedded for him on the couch before I went to the kitchen and did the dishes.
- Need help, said Kjell when he came after me.
- You can wipe if you want to, I said.
Dan had already gone to bed so we were alone there and I felt a little tingly with him. I had, as usual, no bra on and when I happened spill water on the sweater, my breast appeared and the nipple bulge through the fabric. He stared at first but then he turned his face away a little ashamed.
- Oops, I said and wiped shirt with a towel.
He could not resist to not look and glanced occasionally but I pretended like nothing.
- Thanks for the help, I said when we were finished. Want to visit the bathroom first?
- No problem, he said. Yes please.
- Just wait and I'll give you a toothbrush, I said.
After I submitted it, I went to the bedroom and undressed. I put on a nightgown so I could go out to the bathroom later.
After a moment, he shouted to the bathroom was free and I went and got ready for the night.
- Good night, I said when I came out.
- Good night, he said, but beckoned me to come.
When I came to him, he took my hand and kissed it.
- Thank you for being so sweet, he said.
I giggled and ran into the bedroom and crawled along with Dan and thought of Kjell. I became horny and started stroking Dan who woke up and immediately was alert. We was making love quiet so Kjell would not hear, but I could not fail to let go of a little cry when it went for me.
We giggled a bit about it before we went to sleep.
The following day it was snowing profusely and we sat and watched out while we ate breakfast.
- I will take a bus this afternoon, said Kjell. Can you drive me to the station ?
- Of course we do, said Dan.
While we waited, we showed him around town but because it was snowing so we kept most at the mall. Where we also ate lunch and had a nice time together until it was time to go to the bus station.
But when we got there we were greeted by a large sign that said that the bus was canceled due to the snowstorm.
- Well then we will drive you home, said Dan.
- Of course I am grateful for it, but it takes time to drive in this weather, he said.
- No problem, said Dan.
- Maybe we should bring some blankets if we'd be caught in the snow, I suggested.
- Good idea, said Kjell.
So we drove back and loaded in all the blankets we had before we started the long journey. In the beginning it was not so much snow as Dan drove at a good pace, but after half an hour it started to become more heavy snow. And while it got dark we saw a white wall in front of us.
Kjell sat in the back seat with his head between the front seats and held with one hand on my back and I felt his hand touch my shoulder. I have very easy to get horny and it was enough with that to begin tingle in my pussy. I grabbed with my hand on his hand and squeezed it, and we sat like that for quite a while. My sweaters were open at the neck and I pulled into his hand so I felt it against my neck where he caressed with his thumb. Slowly he brought his hand down under both the knit sweater and t-shirt I had, and I was even more horny. More and more approaching his hand my right breast, and soon he felt that I was without bra. Finally, I felt his rough calloused hand squeeze my breast and pull his fingers around the stiff nipple and I felt how it turned wet in my pussy.
- This does not go well, said Dan. I see nothing.
- I think we're almost at a small town, said Kjell and pulled his hand away. Turn off there so we can see if we can find a hotel.
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